Monday, April 18, 2011

Victory in Jesus

Two days ago, tornadoes blew through this area, and every street in the south end of Raleigh had impassable roads with hundreds of trees down, telephone poles snapped in half, and houses crushed... Its the most destruction this area has ever seen. Its everywhere. It's important you know that before telling what happened today.


We started the day asking for words of knowledge from God about what He wanted to do today.
We felt to start the day on a different street than usual- on the outside edge of our neighborhood.  On our way there, we passed dozens of trucks and workers clearing fallen trees and debris. When we arrived at the new street, there was a porchful of people talking about the tornadoes that ripped through the area.

We walked up to the house and they thought we were from the power company. We said no, we were just walking around. They said "Maybe you can clear this up for us, we were trying to figure out how can the tornado hit over here and over there, but not hit around our house. Do you know how that could happen?"  We were salivating waiting to answer this question.  "I'll tell you exactly how that happened! For two months now we've been walking on these streets, claiming this neighborhood for Jesus Christ. Jesus protected this neighborhood!"  The fact is that there were downed trees and crushed houses all around us, but not in the neighborhood where we walk.

That was a pretty convincing argument and seemed to end all debate about tornadoes! We went on to introduce ourselves and meet everyone. We asked how everyone was doing and if anyone had any pain in their bodies or any needs we could pray for. Grandma said "Oh yes!" She had lost her job a year ago due to a pinched nerve in her back, and now she hobbled badly. We prayed to release the will of Heaven on her back, and everyone had gotten up to watch.
We asked how much better she felt- 25%? 50%? We walked with her out to the curb and back.
She said, "No, I feel better- I don't have any pain right now." HAHA!!! Before we left, we also prayed that the Lord who controls the weather would create three new jobs for the people there who needed jobs. We all parted like family, and went on to see what God wanted to do next.

(...yes, we're psyched!)


We ran into five kids playing. They asked us what club we were in- the Safety Club?  We said no, we don't have a name for our  club. So the little kid said "They're the epic eskimoes" OK. We'll go with that. So, all hands in the middle- Epic Eskimoes on three. One, two, three EPIC ESKIMOES!  Then we started prophesying over each one of them God's destiny and plans for them. One little girl said she wanted to prophesy to me! Wow! Cool! She said I see you as a nice, kind man who cares for people and cares for the poor. I'd say those kids were getting something from God today.


Then back to Jesus Street to end the day. Our new friend wasn't there, but his brother- who I offended last week- was ready for some prayers. I saw him reaching out his hand to be prayed for. But then another friend said he wanted to get prayed for, and I could tell he wanted it real bad. So there we were with two guys really ready for some prayer RIGHT NOW! So we split up and prayed for both of them at the same time- it was Holy Chaos! I had to laugh at this racket! What a blessed mess!  I think Jesus was laughing. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were getting snarls, and one of our new friends was calling this the devil's porch, and now we couldn't keep up with the friendship and laughter and requests for prayer on that porch. What is going on here?!! 


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