Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Curious Ways

Today we met 8 new people in the neighborhood, saw 7 people we knew already, prayed for 9 people directly and 2 others indirectly.  It also seemed like people knew of us. They kind of knew us as the guys who pray for blessings on people and their houses. Yep, that's us.

There's one guy who has been a hateful antagonist ever since we first walked on Jesus Street. (Oh yeah, we hardly call it by its actual name anymore, since Jesus is taking over here...) This guy would throw his hand up at us from across the street as soon as we so much as looked his way and he'd say, "You don't need to come over here."  One time we happened to almost bump into him and we asked his name to which he said "You don't need to know my name" and just turned and walked away. So today Mr. Snarly Pants was sitting on the porch with our favorite Mama. 

We always stop by Mama's house- that's the first place we prayed for anyone in this neighborhood.  We called up to the porch and asked Mama if we could come up and love on her a while. We looked like we might be walking on by and snarly boy- who is white, by the way- was saying "that's right you go on," and "I hate white people." 

Anyway, she called out- are you gonna just walk on by without even coming by to visit me? Meanwhile the hateful dude was giving her a hard time, but we had our invitation. We went up and just did what we do, which was to give her the Love of Jesus in buckets, as much as she can take.  As one of us was talking to Mama asking how we could pray for her today- and she really wanted something from the Lord today- snarly boy was harassing her the whole time.  

I started talking to him and he actually changed his manner. He actually said "I see you guys walking around and blessing the houses. That has more of an effect than you'll ever know."     (Oh, we have an idea, my previously snarling friend!)  I asked if I could pray for him, and he said, "No, that's alright."  I said, just for ten seconds. He said OK, and he extended his hand.  I asked his name, and he told me. I prayed for him that God would touch him, and would show him His love and even touch his mind and set him free from the disorder in his head.  When we were done I said, "that was more than 10 seconds" He said that was OK, and others were kidding him that I went longer. He said "I was enjoying it."  People... that is powerful. 

Mama got her blessing from the Lord today. My friend got a softened heart, and I'm praying for more for him. I asked God that he would become Mr. Happy Pants.

As we were leaving, we were giving them the word of the Lord- that the devil just wants to bring poverty and sickness and death and addiction, but Jesus wants to bring prosperity, and healing, and salvation, and freedom and joy.  We want Jesus to have His way.

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