Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Come Serious...

Joshua 5:13,14  "Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?" 
He said, "No; rather I indeed come now as Commander of the host of the LORD." 
And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?" 

One of our new friends has a front row seat on the corner where they say the devil doesn't sleep.  She said she didn't like anyone there, but if we wanted to pray for someone, it was D across the street. Turns out D owns the store in the middle of it all. We walked over and asked in a group of people is someone here named D?  "Yeah I'm D." "We want to pray for you," we said.   "Yeah, I'll have that. Let's get that right now!"  It was so fast we didn't even introduce ourselves.  So we took a minute and started saying what we believed God wanted for him and his store and his life and realized, hey, we better just start praying!  John and I both just brought as much heaven as we could pray down on D and his store and his life. I got the feeling that the dozen or more people on the street were stopping to watch. 

I think something started happening at that point.  Mr. J, an old friend of ours, broke in and said, "I'll have some prayer with you now." Now, I get the growing impression that old Mr. J has got some fire in his bones, because he drew out the fire in us. Before we prayed he looked us in the eye and said "you need to come serious."  What he was saying was that he wanted to see us bring the fire.  I believe he sees something in us that he really wants to see come out.  So we continued to pray there in front of D's store.  

It was something like this- we prayed against the works of the devil in that place that keeps people pressed down, and steals their hope, and lies to them with alcohol and drugs to deaden the pain.  We prayed out loud on that street.  That the enemy is on stolen ground that he got through lies.  That he has no true claim to the ground he works on.  That Jesus Christ is He who is here now, not to give up ground but to take it.  That God has fire in His eyes and He loves with a vengeance and He will have His beloved.  Then John prayed with all his heart that the true Love of the true God would be known on this street. And that demons would flee and drugs would flee and in their place the peace of Heaven would come to this street.  Then Mr J prayed that the terrible shaking of the earth we've seen in natural disasters would speak to people about how God is powerful and unchanging and to be feared and that they would repent.

I felt like something happened in the spirit last night as people watched, and as we prayed-in the Spirit of God in that place.  It felt like Heaven moved.  We want to bring it to earth like Jesus did- everyday.

I don't want people to smile and kind of like what we're doing, but not feel compelled.  I want them to jerk their head around at what we're bringing, and realize that the kingdom of God has come to them.  It's not a nice thing, it's an awesome thing.  God's not nice, He's a consuming fire and His passion burns to make Himself known to people who live in darkness.  His Love is awesome and furious. His Love is war.  It goes in and slits the throat of enemy captors to rescue the beloved. So passionate is His Love for His bride.  And He will have His bride.

Bring us your presence O God!  Display all of what You made the earth, and mankind to display of Yourself. Bring us your Spirit O God, and make Yourself known in this dark place. Do everything that's in Your heart to do for mankind, rescue these Your beloved, and establish Your kingdom here.

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